Entrepreneurship + Innovation

Who we are

We are a team of Library Staff at the University of Alberta Library.

Who we serve

Undergraduate and graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and faculty affiliated with the U of A. Alumni and community members not affiliated with the University are supported on a case-by-case basis.

How we help

  • Consult on finding the best services, spaces, and resources for your next venture
  • Help you select the appropriate research strategy to learn more about your target market or industry
  • Teach workshops related to entrepreneurial research
  • Connect you to other campus and community partners who have the expertise to support your innovation project
  • Collaborate on projects with campus partners, such as other Entrepreneurship incubators
  • Get you trained on using 3D printers and other making technologies available at the Library

What is entrepreneurship?

We define entrepreneurs and innovators as students, faculty, and/or staff working in process implementation or product/service development with measurable impact. This could include developing software applications, 3D model designs, creating business models, and more.

Our vision and goals

The vision of the University of Alberta Library’s EIT is to support, connect, and collaborate with U of A students, faculty and staff, empowering them in their E&I pursuits.

  1. Community: we connect campus partners in order to take advantage of specific expertise and maximize impact.
  2. Education: we equip entrepreneurs with the knowledge and resources they need to be successful.
  3. Communication: we promote the Library as a provider of services and spaces for E&I. We also boost the campus-wide message around the value and benefits of E&I.