Student Library Advisory Committee, 2024

Undergraduate student members:

  • Abby Nixon - Arts (History, Classics, Religion)
  • Ashley Abramowski - Science (Psychology)
  • Clementine Ruth - Science (Biological Sciences)
  • Katie O'Connor - Arts (English)
  • Leah Hennig - Arts (English, Media Studies)
  • Navdeep Badhan - Science (Biochemistry)
  • Olivia O’Neill - Arts (English)
  • Paige Mulvey - Arts (Science, Technology, and Society)
  • Pedro Almeida - Science (Immunology & Infection) and Vice-President (Academic), Students' Union
  • Ryan Htun - Science (Math)
  • Sarah Robinson - Education
  • Yaatheshini Ashok Kumar - Science (Computing Science)

Graduate student members:

  • Benjamin Kucher, Arts (Anthropology)
  • Hari Mohan Rao - Engineering (Electrical/Computer) and representative from the International Student Advisory Council
  • Jasleen Saini - Business
  • Julia Stanski - Arts (History)
  • Mayen Kalu - Sciences (Biological Sciences)
  • Samina Sana - Rehabilitation Medicine (Rehab Science)